The com­pa­ny

Your part­ner for shop fit­ting and inte­ri­or design

We are a medi­um-sized com­pa­ny that sees its strengths in high pro­duc­tion qua­li­ty, high­ly trai­ned and moti­va­ted employees and clo­se co-ope­ra­ti­on with its cus­to­mers. Sin­ce June 2000, we have been manu­fac­tu­ring alu­mi­ni­um pro­files and coun­ter fit­tings for pro­fes­sio­nal shop­fit­ting in War­stein, the head­quar­ters of WAS, on an area of 3000 squa­re met­res.

From War­stein, we ser­ve a gro­wing num­ber of cus­to­mers throug­hout Euro­pe through our sales offices in France, the Net­her­lands, Bel­gi­um, Pol­and and Aus­tria.

Our aspi­ra­ti­on to deve­lop the per­fect pro­duct for our cus­to­mers’ appli­ca­ti­ons is just as firm­ly ancho­red in our com­pa­ny DNA as the con­stant crea­ti­on of inno­va­ti­ve solu­ti­ons. We not only rely on modern machi­nes and sys­tems, but also see the trai­ning and fur­ther edu­ca­ti­on of our employees as the basis for our eco­no­mic suc­cess. We are proud to be a reco­g­nis­ed trai­ning com­pa­ny of the Arns­berg, Hell­weg-Sau­er­land Cham­ber of Indus­try and Com­mer­ce and thus invest in the future of our com­pa­ny.

In addi­ti­on, by con­stant­ly adap­ting our machi­nery in the are­as of CNC machi­ning and sawing tech­no­lo­gy, we ensu­re that we can meet deli­very dead­lines for shop fit­tings while main­tai­ning the con­sis­t­ent­ly high qua­li­ty of the indi­vi­du­al products. Thanks to high-per­for­mance CAD sys­tems, our qua­li­fied desi­gners are open to your requi­re­ments, so that the­re are no obs­ta­cles to suc­cessful coope­ra­ti­on with you.

Let us intro­du­ce our­sel­ves: Get to know our sys­tems and our com­pa­ny.


In order to be able to respond to your wis­hes in the best pos­si­ble way, we work with you during the plan­ning pha­se to find the best pos­si­ble rea­li­sa­ti­on of your ide­as. The focus here is on ensu­ring that we can meet the requi­re­ments you place on your shop fit­tings with our alu­mi­ni­um pro­files and coun­ter fit­tings.

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If you would like to design with our sys­tems in advan­ce, we will be hap­py to send you the appro­pria­te DXF files.

Your plan ser­ves as the basis for our work, from which we then crea­te a pro­po­sal dra­wing and an offer for your enquiry.

If you are hap­py with this, the com­pon­ents for shop fit­tings will be manu­fac­tu­red on sche­du­le in our fac­to­ry, whe­re our high-per­for­mance CAD and IT sys­tems, com­bi­ned with the expe­ri­ence of our employees, gua­ran­tee fast and uncom­pli­ca­ted pro­ces­sing.

Over­all, func­tion­al design and hygie­ne requi­re­ments are our top prio­ri­ty when deve­lo­ping a wide ran­ge of products for the coun­ter and shop fit­ting sec­tor. The­se fac­tors are tes­ted in a varie­ty of tests from the deve­lo­p­ment pha­se through to series pro­duc­tion.


Our employees are fami­li­ar with all types of alu­mi­ni­um pro­ces­sing. This is why only ful­ly deve­lo­ped products for shop fit­tings lea­ve our pre­mi­ses. At the begin­ning of our pro­duc­tion of com­pon­ents for sales coun­ters and shop fit­tings, the various pro­files are cut to size on modern saws and CNC auto­ma­tic saws.

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We then use our CNC machi­ning cen­tres to mill stan­dard com­pon­ents as well as indi­vi­du­al and cus­to­mer-spe­ci­fic work­pie­ces accor­ding to dra­wings.

Using various eccen­tric pres­ses, we can per­fo­ra­te and shape alu­mi­ni­um pro­files that are later used in shop fit­tings. The pro­files are fur­ther pro­ces­sed on spe­ci­al­ly desi­gned cus­to­mi­sed machi­nes.

In our “grin­ding shop” pro­duc­tion area, we can grind, brush and polish alu­mi­ni­um pro­files and thus pre-tre­at them for high-qua­li­ty sur­faces.


The pre-assem­bly of series products for coun­ter con­s­truc­tion and shop fit­tings in our com­pa­ny means that you spend less time and labour on your pro­per­ty. We only use high-qua­li­ty com­pon­ents, which increa­ses the dura­bi­li­ty of our products.

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We will be hap­py to ful­fil your request for cus­to­mi­sed assort­ments. In addi­ti­on to the dril­ling tem­pla­tes sup­pli­ed, this also includes assem­bly ins­truc­tions, pre­cise label­ling and mar­king of the indi­vi­du­al order com­pon­ents and other aids that make it easier for you to assem­ble our products.

To ensu­re that your order arri­ves unda­ma­ged, it is then che­cked by our qua­li­ty assu­rance depart­ment and dis­patched in pack­a­ging sui­ta­ble for trans­port.

Over 20 years of expe­ri­ence

Our com­pa­ny has been fami­ly-run for two gene­ra­ti­ons.


A 160 kWp solar sys­tem ensu­res sus­tainable pro­duc­tion.