Robust tilt fit­ting for 90° screens uncom­pli­ca­ted clea­ning pri­ce label­ling pos­si­ble for 6 or 8 mm glass can also be used for bond­ed glass clo­ses wit­hout lock Data sheet Request con­s­truc­tion...


Bread loaf car­ri­er for adjus­ta­ble rail or wall moun­ting per­fect for do-it-yours­elf instal­la­ti­on sta­ble hold light­weight con­s­truc­tion rotata­ble LED light­ing panel for round or oval tube also available with beech oval pro­fi­le Data sheet Request...


Grid rails as wall clad­ding mini­mal front view Use with 19 mm woo­den panel Vari­ants for 50 and 35 pun­ching sequence end caps Data sheet Request con­s­truc­tion...


Grid rail with power sup­p­ly dif­fe­rent lengths available desi­gned for moun­ting bet­ween a 19 mm woo­den panel power rail and access­ories optio­nal­ly available Data sheet Request con­s­truc­tion...


Fle­xi­ble, modern bread shelf sys­tem Com­ple­te­ly assem­bled accor­ding to your spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons also with LED instal­la­ti­on on request Free choice of axis dimen­si­on Pri­ce labe­l­ing alre­a­dy inte­gra­ted Dif­fe­rent vari­ants available Vari­ants for 50 mm...


LED light­ing panels inte­gra­ted pri­ce labe­l­ing From mini­ma­list to con­s­truc­ti­ve coun­ter light­ing panels no fixed LED manu­fac­tu­rer — use your LED in our sys­tems Data sheet Request con­s­truc­tion...