Glass shelf pro­fi­le for 8 — 10 mm glass Vari­ants for use with a 19 or 38 mm woo­den panel LED strip can be instal­led by the cus­to­mer Glass desi­gned to rise slight­ly Sur­face load max. 8 kg/m Glass depth up to 300 mm pos­si­ble Par­ti­al­ly adjus­ta­ble (for...


Slat pro­fi­le Alu­mi­num glass hol­der for 8 or 10 mm glass Alu­mi­num woo­den flo­or sup­port for 19 mm panel Can also be cut to final size Cus­to­miza­ti­on pos­si­ble Fur­ther access­ories on request Data sheet Request con­s­truc­tion...


Glass hol­der for 8 — 10 mm glass base per­fect­ly sui­ta­ble for lou­vre rails or slat pro­files incl. adjus­ting screw direct wall moun­ting pos­si­ble Data sheet Request con­s­truc­tion...


Adjus­ta­ble rails and sup­ports Alu­mi­num car­ri­er with clam­ping jaw sys­tem ste­p­less adjus­t­ment free­ly adjus­ta­ble length Vari­ants for wood or glass sup­port Data sheet Request con­s­truc­tion...


Sli­ding door fit­ting for 6 or 8 mm glass Gui­de on rol­ler Hori­zon­tal or ver­ti­cal vari­ants Locks optio­nal­ly available Data sheet Request con­s­truc­tion...


Spe­cial pro­files Spe­ci­al­ly deve­lo­ped for your inte­ri­or finis­hing appli­ca­ti­ons U‑shaped edging pro­files for 19 or 38 mm woo­den shel­ves, edge pro­tec­tion pro­files, lou­vre rails, slat pro­files, pilas­ter strip pro­files, pri­ce labels, mir­ror and...