Stan­dard pro­fi­le A wide varie­ty of shapes (ang­le pro­files, round tubes, rec­tan­gu­lar tubes, squa­re tubes, etc.) Pro­files can be fur­ther pro­ces­sed or cus­to­mi­sed by us on request Data sheet Request con­s­truc­tion...


Grid rails as wall clad­ding mini­mal front view Use with 19 mm woo­den panel Vari­ants for 50 and 35 pun­ching sequence end caps Data sheet Request con­s­truc­tion...


Grid rail with power sup­p­ly dif­fe­rent lengths available desi­gned for moun­ting bet­ween a 19 mm woo­den panel power rail and access­ories optio­nal­ly available Data sheet Request con­s­truc­tion...


Pri­ce rail pro­fi­le for various appli­ca­ti­ons, e.g. in the coun­ter Good hold of the pri­ce labels in the groo­ve of the pro­files Data sheet Request con­s­truc­tion...