Bread loaf car­ri­er for adjus­ta­ble rail or wall moun­ting per­fect for do-it-yours­elf instal­la­ti­on sta­ble hold light­weight con­s­truc­tion rotata­ble LED light­ing panel for round or oval tube also available with beech oval pro­fi­le Data sheet Request...


Simp­le glass sup­port sys­tem for 6 mm glass Per­fect for do-it-yours­elf con­s­truc­tion Side panes pos­si­ble Vari­ants in 90° and 79 Data sheet Request con­s­truc­tion...


Lif­ting gear for 15° panes (6 mm) angu­lar design strong lif­ting force pane always remains in posi­ti­on uncom­pli­ca­ted clea­ning of the panes front win­dows secu­red with locking pin modern, mini­ma­list design good view of the goods due to slight 15°...


For­mat rail for sau­sa­ge and meat products Sha­pe­ly made of alu­mi­num hooks made of V2A stain­less steel dif­fe­rent ver­si­ons incl. wall bra­ckets in dif­fe­rent lengths Data sheet Request con­s­truc­tion...


Sli­ding door fit­ting for insu­la­ting glass pre-assem­bled Gui­de rol­ler made of V2A (load capa­ci­ty 150N) incl. retrac­tion dam­per sys­tem with hand­le Data sheet Request con­s­truc­tion...


Lif­ting gear for 90° panes (6 mm) angu­lar design strong lif­ting force Disc always stays in posi­ti­on uncom­pli­ca­ted clea­ning of the panes secu­ring the front panes with locking pin modern, mini­ma­list design simi­lar­ly available for insu­la­ting glass (see...